Music I’m Listening to these Days

Every once in a while, I feel like sharing the music I’ve been listening to lately on this blog. Even in this age of iPods, I still believe music is meant to be enjoyed socially. So I’m sharing a few things here and would love to know what you think of them for better or worse.

This first set is a handful of videos from people I’ve seen live recently and have enjoyed or who are recent discoveries. Let me know what you think.

Saw Jamie Cullum at the House of Blues and he was brilliant. Much more of a showman than I thought he’d be, and much more of a piano virtuoso, too. HOB was a terrible venue though, at least in my opinion. Stupid rules about where you can stand; constant distractions from staff moving people around, according to the rules, yet being inconsistent about it; ATMs with $4 fees; terrible, cold concession food that is only available on the 1st floor which folks from the upper floors are not allowed to go down too except when the food is ready. It’s the most un-Rock and Roll rock Rock Rock Club that I have been to in a long time.
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We are the World I and II

This is the video for the 25th anniversary version of “We Are the World”, made for the benefit of earthquake victims in Haiti.

This is a noble project.  The disaster in Haiti is certainly one of the worst in recent memory.  As of February 10 the reported number of deaths was 230,000.  Stalin once said “”A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic,” and I confess that 230,000 is a difficult number for me to wrap my head around, so I went looking for points of reference.  Comparisons are hard to find.

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“The ’59 Sound” and Those Guys from Jersey

Just two comments on this video.
1) I was there!
2) It was awesome!
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“American VI: Ain’t No Grave” Wow!

Johnny Cash!  The Man in Black!  He’s had an amazing career.  One of his biggest hits was “I Walk the Line,” but for the most part Cash drew the line he walked.  It didn’t always go forward, either.  At points in his life Cash struggled with drug addiction and alcoholism.  He landed in jail more than once, and his first marriage ended because of infidelity.  But Cash ultimately kicked these habits and settled down with his second wife, June, who he lived with until she died in 2003. (bio)

He died 5 months later, but some of his most interesting albums came out toward the end of his life.  In the 90s Cash had lost his recording contract, but he made yet another comeback.  began working with producer Rick Rubin on American Recordings, a stark series of albums that showcase the ability of this great artist to write and interpret songs, making them his own.  But while Johnny has settled down in his life, he never stopped being something of a musical Rebel.  You’ll find Johnny Cash in the Country section of your record store, but you’ll find albums the really defy genres by a man who influenced fell musicians from the world of country, rock, new wave, punk, rhythm and blues and gospel, including Merle HaggardBruce SpringsteenBob Dylan, Ray Charles, U2, Oscar the GrouchSheryl Crown, Gaslight Anthem, Elvis Costello and Norah Jones
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Media Transformations

Here’s an interesting graphic showing the transition from print to online media.
Online VS Traditional News
What generates concern, however, is that online news outlets are rarely backed up by significant new gathering organizations or operations capable of conducting journalistic investigations. They have tended to rely on the news gathering operations of print newspapers, the news syndicates and major media. d

Now ABC News has announced major cuts in its newsroom.

ABC News will sharply reduce its news-gathering staff through buyouts and possible layoffs, the company said on Tuesday. ABC employees said they expected the cutbacks would affect 300 to 400 people, or roughly 25 percent of the news division’s work force.

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In a memorandum to staff members, the ABC News president David Westin called the cutbacks a “fundamental transformation” for the division that would result in a leaner, smaller organization. “The time has come to rethink how we do what we are doing,” he wrote.

Let’s hope this isn’t a harbinger of things to come.

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Just Something Worth Sharing: Jimi Hendrix – Acoustic Blues

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Concert Ticketing Fees

Can someone tell me what “ticketing fees” cover? Or “processing fees”? What, precisely, are the costs involved involved in each and every ticket purchased online that warrant them? Why do we pay “convenience fees” at all? It’s not as if you have a choice between that and a less convenient option for many events. Perhaps you can purchase by phone, but there are charges for that, too.

It used to be the case that music stores and other retailers were outlets for concert ticket vendors, but I wouldn’t even know where to find one now. The only place I’m sure you can always buy tickets in person is the actual venue.

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The Coolest Sport in the Winter Olympics?

Have you seen the Google logo on their search page yet?  For tiny percentage of the public that doesn’t use Google as a search engine, Google periodically alters its logo to mark holidays or commemorate certain events, etc.  There’s a gallery in their site.  Today the two instances of the letter “o” are transformed into curling stones.  If you don’t know what curling stones are, where have you been?  It is only the coolest sport in the Winter Olympics!

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The Saints Go Marching In / Counting Viewers v. TVs

Team Logo

Last nights Super Bowl victory of the New Orleans Saints over the Indianapolis Colts was watched by more people than “any scheduled program in U.S. TV history,” topping the 1983 finale of M*A*S*H, the previous record holder, according to an article by Dave Walker in The Times-Picayune. I’m not surprised. This article lists a number of reasons, all of which came into play, I’m sure.
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