Music I’m Listening to these Days

Every once in a while, I feel like sharing the music I’ve been listening to lately on this blog. Even in this age of iPods, I still believe music is meant to be enjoyed socially. So I’m sharing a few things here and would love to know what you think of them for better or worse.

This first set is a handful of videos from people I’ve seen live recently and have enjoyed or who are recent discoveries. Let me know what you think.

Saw Jamie Cullum at the House of Blues and he was brilliant. Much more of a showman than I thought he’d be, and much more of a piano virtuoso, too. HOB was a terrible venue though, at least in my opinion. Stupid rules about where you can stand; constant distractions from staff moving people around, according to the rules, yet being inconsistent about it; ATMs with $4 fees; terrible, cold concession food that is only available on the 1st floor which folks from the upper floors are not allowed to go down too except when the food is ready. It’s the most un-Rock and Roll rock Rock Rock Club that I have been to in a long time.
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