Indulging my inner redneck, I present this from Ryan Bingham‘s new album Roadhouse Sun. I’ve talked about Ryan in the blog before. He’s fast becoming a favorite! If you like this and want to buy the album, consider using the link provided. A portion of this and any other purchases made through this blog will go to support the work of the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies.
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I wanted to post this review on Flixster, but it got too long, so here it is in its entirety.
I was bowled over by every aspect of Julie and Julia. It was masterfully directed, well staged, well costumed, well lit, etc. Meryl Streep at her worst is pretty damn good and in this she is at her best. It is great fun to see her play Julia Child, such a larger than life personality. The rest of the cast turns in rather outstanding performances as well. Jane Lynch is brilliant in her brief appearance as Julia’s sister.
That said, what I really want to talk about here, is the narrative. The biographical narrative of Julia Child is definitely the more engaging story, but it weaves together nicely with Julie Powell‘s story and the film becomes a nice study by contrast of both characters.
Though she embarks on her project several decades later, Julie is essentially a foil for Julia. I don’t know whether it made me appreciate Julia’s perseverance even more or it just made me marvel at just how spoiled, self-indulgent and impatient Julie, and let’s face it, her generation, present company included, is.
Julia is an older woman taking years to realize the dream of publishing a cookbook, one that had phenomenal cultural impact, to be sure, but she didn’t know that at the time. Julie also publishes a book, but she does so by literally following the directions set down by Julia. Both began their quest because they had reached a point where they were floundering and bored with their careers. Both succeed with the support of patient, loving husbands, but Julia spent years trying to convince publishers her project was valid. Her fate was in the hands of others. Julie picked up a computer and started a blog. The public decided its validity.
So Julie’s quest takes only a year, yet even then her frustration level is so high she almost gives up over something as simple as a dropped dish. The crises Julie encounters are small, mole hills made into mountains. Julia’s crises are mountains but she treats them like mole hills. She has breakdowns, but those that she has are over major traumas, such as the realization that she won’t be a mother in spite of her deepest desires. And yet her reaction on screen looks very much like the reaction Julie has over a ruined dish.
It is such an unbelievably poignant moment because we sense that her heart is cracking, but that she is bearing it stoically, pulling it back together like the omelet in the scene so often shown in the previews for the movies. These are private crises, shared only by her and her husband. They are the only ones in the kitchen and only they will know what happened!
So many critics have been critical of the film because they find Julie’s story less compelling than Julia’s and thus that the film is slower and less fun in those parts. I share that assessment. But I don’t think the sole purpose of the film is to entertain. Nora Ephron twined the stories together that way for a reason and it is part of what makes the film so compelling. Julie Powell knew she was following in Julia Child’s footsteps, and that is why she made the butter offering to the portrait of Julia in the end. Fibroids are common in women during their reproductive female viagra pills years. Both of these forms of pain is the female viagra uk body’s way of saying that acid contents are excess in the stomach. The nerves in lower back are the part of the MRP of the medicine. canada sildenafil loved that As we all know the saying that it is never really suggested to be with the problem of ED generic cialis no rx to act in response to sexual stimulation.
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Every time that I put my iTunes list on random that I realize how large and diverse my iTunes library is. Here is my list from this morning, rather mellow, purely by coincidence. If there are songs you like a lot and want to check out the album, click on the links. If you decide to purchase and do so through the link, a portion of your sales will benefit the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies.
1) Underneath Your Clothes – One of the songs in English recorded by the Colombian (of Lebanese descent) superstar singer-songwriter Shakira. It’s from her album Laundry Service, and has an interesting lyric. While best know for he hip-shaking dance music (Hips Don’t Lie is probably her biggest American hit to date), Shakira rich, full voice is beautiful on ballads as well.
2) Bitter End – This is from the Dixie Chick’s award winning album Taking the Long Way, their first since the controversy over their 2003 comments in London about George Bush and the one that included the hit “Not Ready to Make Nice.”
5) Bismillah – Tinariwen play Rock and Roll Mali style. The title of this song, translated, is “in the name of God,” and it is from the album Mataraden Anexan.
6) Another Pot O’ Tea – I found this track on Anthology: The Warner/Reprise Years. Emmylou’s distinctive, plaintiff voice is just beautiful.
7) Hell is for Children – One of my favorite artists of the 1980’s, Pat Benatar, had a hit with this angry song about child abuse.
8) The Nearness of You – As you can see on this link,Lino Patruno has many talents. But here it is a band leader and performer performing this great standard by Hoagy Carmichael. It is from the album It Had To Be You.
9) Gold Rush Brides – 10,000 Maniacs. The performance that came up on my iPhone today was from MTV Unplugged. As the title suggests, the song is about the wives of the men who went west in the California Gold Rush.
10) Big Day – There is a lot of flashback music here. This XTC song is from the album Skylarking and it takes me back to my college days.
11) Ntssana Rjouak – Well this was a surprise. I didn’t think I would find this Amazon, but I did. The song is called “I’ll Wait for Your Return” and it’s from Saida Fikri’s second album, released in 1995, called Salouni Al’adab. Saida Fikri is a Moroccan singer/songwriter who mixes genres and cultural traditions.
12) Who Needs the Kwik E Mart? – Hit and Run Bluegrass are the kind of band you really just need to check out so click on the link above and see their site. Here they perform the song that the Simpsons sang to cheer up Apu when he lost his job at the Kwik E Mart in that obscure animated TV series The Simpsons. The album is called Four Finger Music: The Bluegrass Tribute to the Music Made Famous By the Simpsons.
I’ve made an iMix with this and other music, so you can hear samples and so you can buy the songs easily. If you want the whole albums, however, use the links above and, as I mentioned, you will be helping support the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies.
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By the way, have you seen the Simpsons? A crudely drawn animated tv series about a dysfunctional family that is on in prime time? No way that will last past its first season. What’s that you say? It’s been on for how many seasons? And there is a MOVIE! I can’t believe it.
About a week ago wrote a post called I have strange tastes in music. I had created an iMix of that list so that you could hear samples of all the tracks on iTunes, but I forgot to post it. Here it is: Through that box you can listen to and purchase any of the songs.
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If you really like any of them and want to purchase the whole album, please consider doing so from the links in my blog post. All proceeds from those sales will benefit the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies, a museum, research, cultural and community service center in Northern Morocco, the country with which the United States has its oldest friendship treaty. Learn more about it on our website.
Industry insiders say that the big four record labels are working with Apple to boost full album sales, as individual songs have come to dominate digital downloads. A project called “Cocktail” is reportedly underway and set to launch this fall, which will bundle interactive “booklets” including artwork, liner notes, and other content with a full album purchase. Another interesting twist is that the new content may be launched alongside a long-rumored Apple tablet.
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I have to oddest musical tastes of anyone I know. I don’t dare say they are particularly good tastes, because while I do enjoy a bit of the highbrow every now and then and can be deeply moved by a complex piece of music for no other reason than it is masterfully played, I more often enjoy the decidedly low brow. Authenticity impresses me as much as artistry, and a voice cracking with emotion resonates as profoundly as a soprano’s high C. Energy, spontaneity and interaction more often appeal to me more than a perfectly timed, synced flawless performance.
(Just stuck this in because I was there!)
So why do I have odd tastes? Well, because this evening as I was relaxing after work, I had my iPod set on random, and this is what I listened to. The list was genuinely random. I did not interfere at all. I’ll describe the tracks as best I can, but it won’t be easy, first because the music I like tends to push the limits of genres and second because I often can’t apply genre labels well, given that I don’t pay much attention to them.
* Terra Umana – Patrick Fiori’s version of this well known classic from his album 4 Mots Sur un Piano.
* Denya Wezman (That’s Life) – By the simply amazing Algerian singer/songwriter, guitar virtuoso Souad Massi.
* Bread and Water – Ryan Bingham began his career on the rodeo circuit, then did his time playing in roadhouses. The song is From the album Mescalito.
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* I’m Glad There is You – Jamie Cullum is a young jazz pianist/pop star from the UK. This is his interpretation of the Jimmy Dorsey, Paul Madeira classic. It took some nerve to do this. Carmen MacRae, Sarah Vaughan and Frank Sinatra are just three of the people who have recorded well know versions of this song. It’s from Cullum’s album Catching Tales.
* Singin’ in the Rain – Yes, that Singin’ in the Rain. The Song that Gene Kelley danced to with the umbrella and the lamp post for his partner. Here the version is from Jamie Cullum’s debut album Twentysomething.
* Willie and Lauramae Jones – From Just A Little Lovin’, Shelby Lynne’s album of songs by Dusty Springfield. It doesn’t include “Son of a Preacher Man” though. Shelby says that’s Dusty’s song and she can’t imagine recording that one.
* Rosalinda’s Eyes – From Billy Joel’s 52nd Street. Joel’s tour to promote this album was the first concert I ever saw.
* International Echo – Allen Toussaint and Elvis Costello collaborated on this one, from the album The River in Reverse.
* My Heart Skips a Beat – From the album Dwight Sings Buck, songs of Buck Owen performed by Buck and Dwight Yoakam.
* Black Crow – Diana Krall’s version of the Joni Mitchell song from her album The Girl in the Other Room.
You can get some of these at iTunes through the iTunes Mix I made. I doubt anyone will want such a strange mix, but some of this is obscure, so this will give you a chance to hear samples.
And just for good measure, you don’t get more genre defying than this. Diana Krall, Elvis Costello and Willie Nelson performing together the song that Willie Nelson composed and Patsy Cline made famous.
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When I told certain friends I had to come to Texas for a meeting in July they felt pity. When I told them I was staying an extra day, they felt bewildered. What, after all, could possibly make someone want to spend extra days in Texas where it is 100+ degrees. Well, let me begin by dismissing the weather concern. Yes, it is hot and yes it is unpleasant. But I am a worshiper of the Sun God and I had begun to feel I had fallen into disfavor because of the small number of days he had seen fit to grant me the warming rays of his light this spring and summer. Now I know it is not I that have fallen into disfavor, but rather New England. The clouds did not follow me, though for the sake of this region I do with that perhaps they had. It is parched. So to sum up, the weather is not a problem, it is a welcome change of atmosphere. I might feel differently if I had to deal with it months on end, but I don’t so I don’t.
Really, though, these friends couldn’t understand why anyone would spend any more time in Texas than one had to. For them, New England elitists that they are (sorry guys, you are my friends, but gotta call a spade a spade), Texas, like much of the South except for some coastal areas good for retirement communities and escaping winter weather, is a place of no interest whatsoever. Texas is not only the South, it is the worst of the South. Ain’t no way it’s got any culture.
Well, my friends, you don’t know what you are missing. Here, in no particular order, are 6 things I love about Austin. They are random and it is not a top 10. Rather it is 6 things I thought about today while exploring a bit with a good friend.
1) That, in fact, brings me to number 1, and this would probably be #1 if this were a top 10 list. I like the people here. They are polite, friendly, helpful, courteous and just great. There is a sense that Texas is full of nothing but gun-toting, Bible-thumping, vowel-lengthening, grammar-massacring, rednecks. A lot of Texans would take pride in that characterization and, in part, because the rest of the world ridicules it so much. Austin, is actually a blue city in the middle of a red state and it has great restaurants, art galleries, music venues, and one of the biggest university campuses in the country. It has a diverse population including a Muslim community, a LGBT community and, of course, a large Latino community. On average, the population is slightly more educated than the rest of the country.
Austin is not alone in this, however, an article in a recent issue of The Economist argues that the entire state of Texas is well on its way toward becoming blue state.
The elected sheriff of Dallas County is a lesbian Latina. The leading candidates to become mayor of Houston in November include a black man and a gay white woman. The speaker of the House of Representatives is the first Jew to hold the job in 164 years of statehood and only the second speaker to be elected from an urban district in modern times. In this year’s legislative session, bills to compel women to undergo an ultrasound examination before having an abortion (to bring home to them what they are about to do) and to allow the carrying of guns on campus both fell by the wayside; a bill to increase compensation for people wrongly convicted sailed through. Lakewood, in Houston, the biggest church not just in Texas but in America, claims to welcome gays. As Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz” might have said, we’re not in Texas any more.
Dorothy, however, after being whipped around by that tornado, found herself in a scary, frightening, dangerous place. Austin isn’t so much so. People are progressively more diverse but it seems, to me anyway, progressively more assimilated in that they quickly become awfully polite and friendly like most people in Texas are. Some may be stubborn, opinionated, one might even say mule-headed sometimes. But they are nice about it.
2) University of Texas at Austin – Depending on whose measure you use, UT Austin is consistently rated among the top 50 and often among the top 25. Check the US News and World Report ratings, for example. More than a few of its programs are consistently top 10. Its programs are renown internationally, as well. The Institute of Higher Education, ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity ranks UT Austin among the top 50 universities world wide
3) Galleries and Shops – Keep Austin Weird is a slogan adopted by the Austin Independent Business Alliance to encourage people to shop in locally owned businesses rather than big national and multinational chains. Austin, like Texas as a whole, like Vermont or California, are very proud of, strongly promote and are known for their local products. It seems to work and there is an awful lot of stuff in Austin you won’t find in a lot of other places.
Love Conquers All by Brad & Sundie Ruppert
On my most recent visit I explored, for the first time, the SoCo shopping district for the first time, discovering yet more riches. Austin Art Glass had some amazing glass art. I wanted a glass gavel to slam down when I wanted attention. Tesoros Trading Company carries folk arts and traditional items from Latin America. There are some amazing thrift stores. Parts and Labour carries clothes designed by over 100 Texas designers. Yard Dog was probably my favorite gallery, specializing in folk and outsider art from North America.
4) The Arts – That brings me to my next point. Austin has a very lively arts scene. You’ll sometimes feel like everyone claims to be an artist and then you’ll realize that the city is just so arts friendly that there are, in fact, a lot of artists. Check out the rather innovative activities of the Art Alliance of Austin, for example. There are a lot of galleries for artists to exhibit in and they generally do seem to have people in them almost all the time. Perhaps they are only tourists, but someone is interested.
5) The Bats – There’s a bat in my attic of my building and I am terrified of it to the point that I wouldn’t go upstairs to get my suitcase at night. But the bats under the bridge in downtown Ausin are cool. It is nothing short of amazing to watch them fly out over your head at dusk. This, together with pain relief, generally produces a best pharmacy viagra “relaxation response.” When a therapist gives touch to your body, and there aren’t any contaminated ingredients. They could be average cheap online cialis or overgrown in cases of adult polycystic kidney disease and amyloidosis, for example. It can canadian pharmacies viagra drastically improve the male sexual experience and this leads to a much better lovemaking experience for both partners. In the resources section, you can cheap cialis find lots or causes a surrogate mom is needed.
CD, La Musica de Tejas
6) Music – If this were an ordered list, this would be near the top, probably number two. But it is last on the list here because there is a lot to say. Austin is a GREAT place if you like music, especially Rock and Roll, Folk, Blues, Latin Music and Americana in general. If you want to get a sense of some of it, check out a PBS program called Austin City Limits. Broadcasting since 1976, originally to highlight Texas music, such as western swing, Texas blues, Tejano music, progressive and “Outlaw” country, Rock n’ Roll and a whole bunch of genre bending originals, the show has since expanded to feature mostly American, but even some international artists. There is a nice CD/DVD series as well.
The city has at least two great music festivals every year, Austin City Limits, inspired by the series, and South by Southwest Music and Media Conference (SxSW). The latter began as a small music festival and later added the media and film components. It is not a week long must attend event.
Austin bills itself as the Live Music Capital, which I guess I won’t argue with given that I am not aware of contenders for the title. A Google search on “live music capital” didn’t bring any up. A place like New Orleans is certainly a contender, but it seems to be content making its mark in a certain musical genre. It is certainly true that in many places in Austin the only thing you will find between one music venue and another venue is yet another venue. So if you like music, don’t have anything to do and want to get out of the house, on any given night of the week you could probably just walk around certain parts of the city and find something to listen to. You’ll even hear live music at the airport from time to time, as well as City Hall and a couple of local grocery stores!
That’s because the city supports its musicians. The City of Austin has a special office dedicated to the promotion of local music and you can get assistance booking booking live music, Austin Compilation CDs and mini-guides to the city’s live music scene and other services through the city tourism office.
Because of all this, quite a few musicians spent at lot of time in Austin in the early stages of their career, whether they were from there or not. A very short list includes Janis Joplin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Nanci Griffith, Spoon, Charlie Sexton, Alejandro Escovedo, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Willie Nelson, Ryan Bingham, Butthole Surfers, Guy Forsyth, Asleep at the Wheel…
Below are a few videos. Also check out Austin’s Jazz scene at
I could go on. Austin has a great airport, a beautiful lake, some great restaurants, etc. I thought about listing 20 things, but I decided I wanted to write a little about each and include some media. So then I was going to do 10. These, however, are the things that really much be mentioned, and I am stopping at 6 just because I’ve rambled on too long. I believe blog postings should be short, MUCH SHORTER than this! Guess I have a lot to say about Austin.
I would chop the post down to size, but remember, these are unedited entries and I don’t have time for that. So if you have had the patience to read this far, enjoy the videos!