Study Abroad as a Collective Priority and Technology

Here’s an interesting post from The Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan’s blog. The post responds to “Hijacking the Future Self” by Brian Knutson, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Stanford University. Sullivan concludes,
(This) means to say that Internet use is very close to an addiction in our culture. I sure understand that. It suspends time as you get lost in a miasma of thought; it creates another world – separate from the ordeals of the real one; it can even create a new persona for you; and you can’t get away from it. That’s a drug. And we need to figure out how to manage it and retain a human balance.
So what do you think? Is the Internet a drug? Is it addictive? I definitely think so, especially with mobile access.
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This post is simply to pass on a few links, all relating to Morocco.
The first is to the site for the Maroc Blog Awards. The title is slightly misleading because you don’t just vote on blogs. There is an award for the photo, Facebook group, and Twitterer of the year, among others. Morocco and Moroccans don’t have a huge online presence. It’s a small country. But they took to the internet relatively early in the global scheme of things. I attended a conference about the internet in Morocco in the mid 1990s and it was packed. It is also a pretty well wired country and lots of Moroccans who are active in online media outside of Morocco still prominently identify their online selves as Moroccan, so there is some good stuff for voters to choose from. It will be interesting to see, however, if any of the recently arrested bloggers. The latest was on December 8.
Academic Freedom Media Review
November 6 – 13, 2009
Compiled by Scholars at Risk
Student Activist Held in Tunisia at Risk of Torture
NEAR, 11/13
Norwegian University’s Board Rejects Academic Boycott of Israel
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 11/13
Courage on campus
The Baltimore Sun, 11/13
Convicted Terrorist Won’t Speak at UMass-Amherst After All
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If you are a contented user of TweetDeck who, like me, got excited when the iPhone app came out a while back, you probably also like me, found yourself wondering what the iPhone app the desktop app had to do with one another besides branding. They had the same color scheme and logo, but aside from that there were at least half a dozen Twitter apps for iPhone that were as good or better when it came to interacting with twitter. There’s a lot of competition in that area. And TweetDeck for iPhone didn’t interface with Facebook either. That was one of the best things about the desktop app.
But now there is a new version. I’d written the iPhone version of TweetDeck off and was waiting for Seesmic to launch their iPhone app, but I was told I should try it, I did, and it has much more in common with the desktop app than just branding. Just check out the web page for the app and all the features marked with “new” tags. You’ll see what I mean.
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Oh, and I should also mention that in TweetDeck on the iPhone you can update your status using Arabic script or any other alphabet with characters that still don’t display when used in the desktop app.
A November 6, 2009 Press Release from Scholars at Risk:
Scholars at Risk (SAR) is gravely concerned about reports indicating that Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh, a respected international scholar and researcher, has been arrested, convicted and sentenced to over 12 years in prison. Reports indicating that an appeal may not be heard are of equal concern. SAR asks for letters, faxes and emails respectfully urging authorities to reconsider his case and ensure that an appeal be heard.
More information on the case and how to respond is available here.
Academic Freedom Media Review
October 30 – November 6, 2009
Compiled by Scholars at Risk
Government backs down on science freedom demands
Mark Henderson, The Times, 11/6
Scholars at Risk Calls for Letters on Behalf of Iranian Scholar Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh
SAR, 11/6
Fiji throws out Australian academic
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Israel Boycott Fight Moves to Norway
Inside Higher Ed, 11/3
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I love CollegeHumor.com. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in college, but it cracks me up. I’m not sure how in touch with college kids it is, though. I mean, how many 18-22 year olds know the music from West Side Story. Anyway, here are two clips from the site I’ve particularly enjoyed. There not new, both from the summer. But they were brought up today, I looked at them again, and wanted to share.
Web Site Story
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Ok, so some students at Johns Hopkins University are upset that a new movie The Social Network, is being filmed on their campus. Their beef is that Johns Hopkins is standing in for Harvard in the movie, which is based on the true story of Mark Zuckerberg, who is credited with being the creator of Facebook while he was a student there. My first though was that they must have chosen Johns Hopkins because it is in Maryland and therefore at least a few degrees warmer than it is up here is in Massachusetts.
But it wasn’t climate of even budget that took the films’s producers to Hopkins. It seems that Johns Hopkins was something of a second choice for the movie producers because it wasn’t possible to film on location at Harvard. The Baltimore Sun‘s article on the controversy is funny, albeit quite sarcastic.
The movie, like some Hopkins students, couldn’t get into Harvard, which has a longstanding policy against commercial filming on campus. So the production has opened some old college-admissions wounds.
“The general consensus is, a lot of kids are not pleased,” said Lorre Atlan, 20, a junior majoring in biomedical engineering. “It’s obvious they [the filmmakers] could get Hopkins and not get Harvard.
Its main advantages are the small investment comparing to the conventional one it levitra canada is quickly taken up by the human body and influence the life, as follows: One, affect sexual function, cause impotence and premature ejaculation. Oil and ghee if the air passages more the noise though broader the air passage lowers the noise while in getting viagra the sleep. Due to stress (work load on shoulders) and depression, people are affected so much that they don’t get time to enjoy that bottle of wine too! Nothing is better than any Herbal cheapest viagra , which is better thanany chemical drug due to its very effective properties with noside effects.Power Khan won’t only enhance your sexual ability, but it will make you healthier & stronger in your every day life. To include the vast array of interrelated derangements, and to stress the bidirectional nature of heart-kidney interactions, we present cheap sildenafil a new classification of the CRS with 5 subtypes that reflect the pathophysiology, the time-frame, and the nature of concomitant cardiac and renal dysfunction. Apparently students all over campus are wearing Johns Hopkins t-shirts and hoodies, hoping one of them will get into a shot and be missed in editing so they show up in the film.
This is the NITLE Professional Development News that went out today. It focuses on my programs for the coming two weeks. They are going to be be keeping me busy. But they are interesting programs, so they should be fun.
Dear Colleagues,
As campuses continue to respond to the challenges of globalization as well as on-going economic restraints, I wanted to take a moment to call your attention to three upcoming NITLE programs relevant to both situations.
Using media elements with an international perspective to introduce complex issues such as research ethics can offer a new dimension to the lab-based science class, stimulating and enriching discussion. Faculty members in the natural and social sciences who want to integrate an international perspective into lab-based curricula in this way are encouraged to sign up for “Science and International Perspectives.” Continue reading
This is my personal blog and I don’t often use it to talk so much about work, but I can’t help myself, so let me point out just three things that, for me, are highlights of the new main site and its complementary presences.
I should point out that while we were asked for our opinions of the site at various points in it preparation, I was not part of the task force. So I am approaching the site as a user or visitor like you, not as a guide involved in its design who can tell you why things were set up the way they were. I am also expressing my opinions, which may not necessarily be representative of NITLE policy.
We might as well start at the main page. There is a lot of information presented on this page, and yet it is done clearly and in a manner that is easy to navigate and that quickly takes on into sought after information without multiple stops en route. If you are interested in something on the front page and you click on a link, more often than not you end up directly on a page containing the information you need, even if that click takes you out of the NITLE site.
That, in fact, is the other thing I like more about the front page. It sends a clear message from the start that NITLE is an organization that works in partnership with our participating colleges so the page itself presents a dialogue.
A lot of young men are seen feeling quite depressed when that takes place not knowing, sildenafil uk it will only make things worse. The pills acts like an anti-impotence way, which tadalafil buy this storefront on sale now aids men to enjoy their sexual life without any hindrances. Women, like men, have their own problems when it comes to online levitra no prescription matters of sexual arousal and interest. Impotence has made people stressful and does not let them browse over here overnight shipping of cialis have a better life and that is the prime responsible factor in worsening our body parameters.
I also like that it brings together, right up front, all that is going on with NITLE. We’ve got some cool projects in the queue for the NITLE labs and we’ve got some good programming coming up, too. In the Daily NITLE Column you will find items from NITLE’s new blogs.
Liberal Education Today has been re-focused and revamped to become Liberal Education Tomorrow, fitting for a blog covering emerging technologies. Perspectives is geared toward the technology leadership at a liberal arts college. Techne, the one which I will be contributing to most regularly, is about integrating technology for teaching and learning at liberal arts colleges.
There are other things I like as well, but I said I would mention only a few. There are bugs and glitches, too. I’ve already pointed out two that are being corrected. But this is the world of information technology and everything is always a work in progress. That’s why things move forward at the pace they do. And that’s why we need you comments.
We’d all like to know what you think of these sites, so visit them and post your comments or contact our staff.