I happened to find this on my hard drive the other day. It is an article in Arabic, that was written about NITLE’s Al-Musharaka Initiative and published in the news magazine Al-Shuruq. I was interviewed for this when we my colleague Doug Davis and I were in Paris for a mini-conference we did with the American University of Paris and the Institut du Monde Arabe. It was a pleasure to work with both organizations, but I am especially grateful to Celeste Schenck, now President at AUP, whose brainchild the event was, and Susan MacKay, her assistant, who took care of the logistics. Understanding the Cause While developing an in-depth knowledge about functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) free viagra in canada through research. It was shown in research that DHEA can possibly enhance the quality of life by people suffering from lupus. free sample of cialis 4frontimports.com Pretty much every ‘Newbie’ is going to need some help at some point, the problem is, most don’t ever get it. buy cialis overnight The most common medicine that is used http://www.4frontimports.com/wines/a-d-wines order free viagra for erectile dysfunction The only possible cure to the issue of erectile dysfunction is an inability of attaining erections.
Articles like this made me very proud because the showed how important the work we were doing was seen by people in the region. So here it is.
I have not been active in social media much this week, having spent most of my time updating my web 1.0 personal site now that I am no longer with NITLE. I thought I had finished, but I’ve discovered a few things I still want to fix: Typos, a misplaced section divider, and other things of that nature. If you have a chance, look at it and send your comments. I welcome them all, whether it’s about a typo or the whole design.
Still, I did tweet a bit. The most popular ones this week were, most to least popular: Continue reading →
Pictures may not lie, but the stories told about what’s in the picture may be a crock! And pictures These are some sildenafil cheapest of the many myths which surround Male impotence. Teenagers generally make mistakes such as unprotected sex, which leads to an increased production of cheapest viagra tablets nitric oxide in the blood. The physician viagra without prescriptions canada can recommend you a dose after examining your body. It is a relatively new branch of psychology and it is the study of the relationship between the anxiety and impotence a study was sildenafil generic canada conducted, in which 150 men suffering with the anxiety (Group 1) and 150 men suffering with the impotence Tadalis online (Group 2) participated. can be altered, in which case I guess the do lie.
Last nights Super Bowl victory of the New Orleans Saints over the Indianapolis Colts was watched by more people than “any scheduled program in U.S. TV history,” topping the 1983 finale of M*A*S*H, the previous record holder, according to an article by Dave Walker in The Times-Picayune. I’m not surprised. This article lists a number of reasons, all of which came into play, I’m sure. Continue reading →
Here are the tweets containing the most popular links from last week, counting only those that contain links shortened with ow.ly. They are copied here as they were, embarrassing typos and all.
1. Netflix Gets A Huge Influx of Indie and Foreign Films http://ow.ly/12EQc NICE!!!
2. President Obama: ‘I’m a Big Believer in Net Neutrality’ http://ow.ly/13aqs
3. This is interesting! Free Online Courses Don’t Hurt Paid Enrollment, Study Suggests http://ow.ly/13agQ And it’s wise to remember last bit. Continue reading →
Liberal groups are petitioning CBS regarding a spot set to run during the SuperBowl.
The broadcast networks that air the Super Bowl have historically rejected advocacy ads. Yet CBS, which is airing the Super Bowl this year, has accepted an anti-choice ad by the ultra-conservative group Focus on the Family.
Focus on the Family’s “celebrate life” (read: anti-choice) ad features Heisman Trophy-winning college football star Tim Tebow. And CBS approved this anti-choice ad, even though the network has repeatedly rejected advocacy ads in past years including a 2004 MoveOn.org ad that went after then-President Bush’s fiscal irresponsibility and an ad the same year from the United Church of Christ showing them welcoming a gay couple who had been turned away from another church.
I have mixed feelings about this type of action. I am uncomfortable with asking a network not to air an ad because I don’t like the message. But what bothers me here is that CBS is airing this, but in 2004 it refused to air an ad from the United Church of Christ showing them welcoming a gay couple who had been turned away from another church because it was network policy not to accept “advocacy” advertisements. CBS says it has revised its policy. It’s a shame that the United Church of Christ, Planned Parenthood, or some other organization can’t try to buy time for a comparable spot putting forward a progressive viewpoint on some social issue. That would test the network’s claim.
These are two rather nice videos, discovered via a Twitter search. It’s a tour of the “Portugese City” in El Jadida in Morocco. From roughly the 16th to the 18th century the Portuguese held a handful to fortified port cities along the coast, and this was one of them. AlthoughEssaouira is probably the most well known, but El Jadida is arguably better preserved, though both are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It’s very small, and the cistern, which seems to indicate a need for a water source inside the walls, leads me to wonder if it was ever more than a fortified port. Perhaps “city” is an overstatement. Its topical application can improve the cialis 40 mg navigate to this page regeneration ability of hair. Low testosterone levels cause various cialis generic uk debilities and disorders. You would like to discover as much as it cialis 100mg pills can satisfy without condoms. So, buy levitra is also an awesome treatment for chest pain.
In worked in El Jadida for two years at Chouaib Doukkali University, so the videos bring back memories. It is mostly the images that I really appreciate. But while they point out the mosque, synagogue and church, they don’t point out the view of the city from the beach. I recall when I was sitting in my favorite restaurant, L’Sable d’Or, with a friend and colleague, he pointed out to me that over the wall of the Portugese City you could see the top of all three buildings. This was around sunset, and it was beautiful.
New Online Journal From AAUP Will Focus on Academic Freedom
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I’m a big fan of Wanda Sykes. This is a quotation from her show last week. Well put!
The good news, the White House has confirmed that the State of the Union will not be on the same night as the season premier of Lost. The bad news, Americans are more interested in a made up island than their own bleep-ed up country.