This is the description for a program I have organized to take place in our multipoint interactive videoconferencing system (Elluminate) on September 10. I’m quite looking forward to it. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, a global education is more important than ever, and technology provides is invaluable tools to help provide it, right across the curriculum. Places were still available when last I checked, so if you are interested, more details and registration information is here.
While an understanding of ones place within a global community is increasingly considered a core value of a liberal arts education, students in the sciences are less likely to participate in study abroad programs and take fewer electives outside their major or related disciplines. The reasons for this are varied and complex, but the problem must be addressed. In this presentation Mark Stewart, chair of the department of psychology, Willamette University, and Stas Stavrianeas, professor of exercise science, Willamette University, will present their strategies for helping students better understand other cultures and increasing the number of students opting to pursue study abroad, strategies that rely heavily on increased ease of access to global media, interactivity of new technology and innovative pedagogical strategies.
pecial Topics: Teaching Tools for the Global Age,” a sequence of interactive discussions delivered online via MIV. Participants are invited to join these lively discussions from the convenient location of their campus offices. This program series runs from March through November 2009, with instances scheduled monthly excepting the vacation month of July. If you have questions regarding this series, or if you would like to propose a topic for presentation, please contact Michael Toler at
This event is part of the series, “S