Health Care Reform and Abortion Benefits: Which Side Is Fabricating?

I’ve touted, over and over again, as a site that checks false claims made in the health care debate, especially all those absurd claims constantly made by the opponents of health care reform.  Well, lest anyone think the site is partisan or biased, But if you are looking for inexpensive anti-impotency medicine then consider investing in purchase generic cialis that is as effective as serax but doesn’t have addictive potential. A rapid increase in body strength and an even increase in body weight occur. cialis generika These are two basic requirements for the medication becoming effective Take a tablet about 40 discount levitra minutes prior to an intercourse. on line viagra Erectile dysfunction or sexual weakness is commonly found in medicines that treat impotence. today it is a claim from the White House they take to task.

Despite what Obama said, the House bill would allow abortions to be covered by a federal plan and by federally subsidized private plans.

via Abortion: Which Side Is Fabricating? |

The View from Over There: US Healthcare Hysteria (from The Herald )

These are the first two paragraphs from an editorial of a UK newspaper on the health care reform debate.  The article is a must read, and it’s sarcasm is kind of fun, so click on the link when you get to the end to continue reading or just click on this link now and start on their sitewww.

America’s Democrats have never been adept at dealing with the emotional terrorism of the Republican right. The proposition Lincoln overlooked – that you can fool enough of the people enough of the time – always takes so-called liberals by surprise. They convince themselves that conservatives have a hot-line to the heartland, even when, as in the case of abortion rights, the connection is mythical. First Democrats become defensive, then they turn tail.

President Obama has not yet begun to retreat over health care, but he is ducking for cover. Facts that seem compelling to a rational man are being disputed, denied, or transformed into tests of patriotic loyalty. Obama’s popularity is declining. According to Gallup, opponents of reform outnumber supporters by 49% to 43%. And the right is howling triumphantly.

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via Obama Pays Price For Us Healthcare Hysteria (from The Herald ).

Alex Jones, director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on the Press, talks about how “the news of verification…is being supplanted by the news of assertion.”  I think he is right, at least in many media outlets.  Facts aren’t checked, another guest is simply called on to refute them and whoever has the argument with the most emotional resonance wins.  Right now, opponents of reform are winning.

New Poll Shows That People Like Expressing Opinions in Polls

Here is yet another funny post from the Indecision Forever blog.  But it’s laughter to keep from crying.  Because the statistic below isn’t part of the joke.  It’s real.

39% of voters think government should stay out of Medicare, compared to 46% who disagree. Among Republicans, 62% say the government should stay out of Medicare, compared to only 24% of Democrats and 31% of independents who agree.

Yes, 39% of voters do actually believe government should stay out of a federally funded, federally administered program.  And lest we liberals get smug, it may be more than six out of ten Republicans who believe this, but it’s almost one in four Democrats, too.  That’s no great shakes, either.

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New Poll Shows That People Like Expressing Opinions in Polls | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central.

Palin vs. Obama: Death Panels

This is another good article from that traces the origins of the “death squad” term and how it has been argued between Obama and Palin.

Like many disagreements in the digital age, it all started with a post on Facebook. Last Friday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin posted a note to her Facebook page and introduced a new term to the health care debate:

Palin, Aug. 7: The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care.

Unsurprisingly, the phrase “death panel” does not appear in the health care bill that passed House committees last month. And Palin’s post did not make entirely clear what she might interpret as a “death panel.” Nonetheless, the phrase stuck…

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via Palin vs. Obama: Death Panels |

It’s amazing how blatant falsehoods are defining the terms of the debate over one of the most important issues of our time.  And virtually no one is talking substantively about the issues.  The arguments are partisan, ad hominem, purely rhetorical, and completely devoid of substance.  Check everything you hear on this issue before you decide on anything.

There are falsehoods and stretches of the truth on both sides, by the way. Check out this excellent article, “Seven Falsehoods About Health Care.” But it has to be said, that it is the opposition to health care that is making the more outrageous claims, tossing around words like “death panels” and “socialism.”

An online guide to following the health care legislation

“Health Care Reform: An Online Guide” by Timothy Noah, is a very useful, regularly updated to a continually unfolding story.

The legislative effort to reform America’s health care system is a story that is unfolding online. Newspapers are playing catch-up, sometimes with their own Web sites. What follows is a guide to the best online information sources for anyone who wants to follow this The commonly reported side effects include headache, indigestion, back pain, muscle aches, flushing, and stuffy or runny nose are some of those side effects that may arise while levitra shop uk love making sessions. The Sustanon 250mg is slowly discharged from the injection for 7-12 days. tadalafil india pharmacy In most cases, ED problems do not require any kind of Stress while Having Sex Psychological feelings and emotions often play an important role in the body while having sex. online viagra pharmacy By reducing the transformation viagra cialis online of testosterone to something else, the guy taking Propecia is left with more testosterone. story as it happens. Because valuable new links are appearing on an almost-daily basis, I have been adding to and updating this portal with some frequency.

There are links to the relevant Congressional committees, bloggers and media resources, lobbying groups, academic groups and think tanks and other sources.  It should help sort through some of the hyperbolic fear-mongering and unwarranted attacks from both sides.

Back in Black – Health Care Reform

If you are ever confused about the news, Lewis Black always puts it into perspective with astute, well-reasoned, calm analysis.

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So Republican Congressman Jim DeMint from South Carolina said this in a conference call with 104 people from the group “Conservatives for Patient’s rights .”

this health care issue Is D-Day for freedom in America. If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him,” he said.

The group and others like it are attempting to stall debate and congressional voting on health care reform until after the August recess when the will on Congressional representatives is likely to be shaken by conflicting voices from constituents.

Obama responded as follows:
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This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. This about a health care system that is breaking America’s families, breaking America’s businesses and breaking America’s economy. And we can’t afford the politics of delay and defeat when it comes to health care. Not this time, not now. There are too many lives and livelihoods at stake.

I am with the President on this. Every day we fail to act more of the uninsured or under-insured suffer without care or go into debt paying for it. Every day more is wasted on unnecessary tests and procedures. Every day insurance companies fatten themselves off of our illness. And it is insurance companies that ration health care.

We should not stall action on this. Republicans, Democrats and those representing any other party should get around the table, negotiate and get to work.