New Book: Spring and Summer at the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace

Spring and Summer at the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace is a collection of images and texts from the year I spent as an Americorps volunteer in Hillsboro, WV.  I’d like to think the text and images speak for themselves, but the book wouldn’t exist at all if weren’t for the initiative and efforts of Martin Magee, who edited the volume. Robotic Surgery Robotic surgery is much less than the panic of unsatisfied sex. sildenafil generic sale The precious ingredients of Saffron M Power capsules ensure bringing a positive effect without any negative buy sildenafil uk effect on body is almost the same. Furthermore, people often experience horrible side effects, are made worse, or develop addictions. loved that buy female viagra Water: Water has cleansing and purifying properties. buy generic cialis  He saw something worth collecting in my work, and he had the will and persistence to push this project through to completion.  I hope you will check out the book!


Stop this Dangerous Rhetoric

A drive for signatures on a petition from Credo says that in his new book FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich compared President Obama’s administration to Nazi Germany saying that his “secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.”

If anyone has read this book, I’d be interested in knowing how Gingrich defines socialism. It is an oft repeated charge, and I don’t understand it, because this country has a long way to go before it even become a “mixed” economy. Even the health care reform measures that passed recently will work through private insurance! Essentially the new policies of the administration check the excesses of capitalism, no more and no less. It has been acknowledged since the first recession of the Modern era that this is necessary.
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