Stop this Dangerous Rhetoric

A drive for signatures on a petition from Credo says that in his new book FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich compared President Obama’s administration to Nazi Germany saying that his “secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.”

If anyone has read this book, I’d be interested in knowing how Gingrich defines socialism. It is an oft repeated charge, and I don’t understand it, because this country has a long way to go before it even become a “mixed” economy. Even the health care reform measures that passed recently will work through private insurance! Essentially the new policies of the administration check the excesses of capitalism, no more and no less. It has been acknowledged since the first recession of the Modern era that this is necessary.

What really concerns me about Gingrich’s statements, however, is the suggestions that the administration’s policies are as dangerous to our nation as Nazi Germany of the Soviet Union. This charges is reckless, irresponsible and ultimately dangerous. I don’t know the full context in this book because I’ve not read it, but as we know from Tea Party coverage, these are not new claims.

Consider the implications for a moment. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were nations with which we were at war and that were are direct threat to our interests, if not our existence. The leadership of those states was ideologically opposed to our values. To say that the administration constitutes the same level of threat is, effectively, a call to insurrection.

On two occasions in my life, I have been called on to take the Oath of Public Service. It goes like this.
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I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

If I take Mr. Gingrich at his word, I have a duty to protect our Constitution against the President that I voted for and who has legitimately elected according to the terms set forth in that very document, because Gingrich believes he’s some kind of Trojan Horse. In essence, the enemy is in the White House.

It is one thing when disgruntled citizens draw Hitler mustaches on photos of the President, or do other similar things. Citizens have a right to free speech. I think their views are wrong, and I think it is rude and offensive to express it that way, but so be it.

Public figures, on the other hand, ought to be more careful and when they aren’t we ought to call them out! No matter what your politics are or who the public official, this kind of statements in not acceptable! Tell Fox, but not just Fox. Tell Newt himself! and anyone else who makes this kind of statement.