What is wrong with the state government in Virginia? Last week the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond threw out Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act, but now he and Governor Bob McDonnell have vowed to appeal.
Why are the Republicans in Virginia against ensuring that everyone has access to health care? As I understand it, the law is being attacked as un-Constitutional because it compels everyone to purchase insurance, and the federal government does not have that power. What, then, is the solution? A national system in which the government is guarantor is fine by me, Medicare for all. However, that is not palatable to the right, for one reason or another. It’s costly, inefficient and unlikely to remain solvent, or so they say. My interactions with Medicare have generally been favorable, and wonder about these characterizations. Even if they are true, can’t these things be fixed? Wouldn’t expanding the pool of participants in medicare with healthy, younger people be a way to do that. But the Right is not particularly interested in solving these issues because their real concern is ideological, and they think Medicare is a form of socialism. (Click here to cue ominous music!)
I don’t know why they are so afraid of that. In the Cold War America was afraid of socialism, but at least there were real, powerful forces representing that philosophy that were a also a real threat. Today our enemies do not come from the ranks of Communists or Socialists. Capitalism has never been more triumphant. Even the Communists in China are just capitalists in disguise.
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Ultimately conservatives sound like they are simply against making sure everyone has access to health care. Do you remember the debate over the single-payer system and then the public option? They were abandoned because the right said they were too expensive, represented too much interference in the free market, etc. Most of all, conservatives were against a government take over of health care. The plan that finally passed operates through private insurers and was adopted for that reason. Now, however, those same people claim the government can’t mandate people buy insurance. How then, do we cover everyone?
People who live in a state like Massachusetts where I now live, but don’t have health care are much more fortunate. Here, universal health care has been mandated since 2006, and free or subsidized health insurance has been available to the state’s poorest residents since then. It’s not perfect, but the system is working. If you’ve heard otherwise, don’t believe the hype.
If the state government were sensible it would devote it’s time, money and effort to other more important tasks, perhaps even finding the most efficient and cost-effective way to implement the law. If they really think the reform is a bad law, propose an alternative to get people covered. And if they insist it must be challenged, leave challenging it to one of the many other groups that are already doing it. Do the job you were elected to do!