from Mother's Day Gift Store
Happy Mother’s Day! Have you visited your mother yet? Maybe taken her out to eat? Or sent her flowers? Chocolates? A card? Or even bought her jewelry? Your wife too, if she’s a mother or mother to be. On Mother’s Day we honor our mothers, and this is how we do it. You have no excuse for having forgotten. Television commercials have been reminding you since Easter!
Unfortunately the economy sucks right now and a lot of in this country are out of work, underemployed, struggling with tuition increases at our colleges, paying off student loan or credit card debt, stretched thin because we are trying to help family and friends get by, trying to get by on insufficient retirement assets, or whatever. If that’s the case, just go see or call your mother. Mothers are always happy to hear from their children.
But if you want to be creative and distinct, tell your Mom you are going to take her to celebrate Mother’s Day in the way it was historically conceived, and take her to a peace rally!
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