Binghamton Faculty Remember Richard Antoun

In an article published yesterday by Inside Binghamton University, faculty members remember Dick Antoun, who was murdered a few days ago by a Ph.D student.  For part of the time that I was a Ph.D. student there, Professor Antoun was director of the Middle East and North Africa Program, including when I and three of my friends organized a three week Maghrebi Arts Festival and when we organized a MENA Students Group.  He was very supportive.

I think Steve Straight hit the nail on the head when he described Antoun as a peacemaker.  Straight joined the Anthropology Department at the same time as Antoun, and noted

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Professor Richard Antoun

Richard T. Antoun, Professor Emiritus, Anthropology, Binghamton University

Richard T. Antoun, Professor Emiritus, Anthropology, Binghamton University

Richard T. Antoun — a respected Binghamton University anthropology professor who grew up in Shrewsbury — spent his entire career seeking peace. His work focused on bridging the divide between religions and cultures, particularly in the Middle East.

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The student, Abdulsalam S. al-Zahrani, 46, was from Saudi Arabia. Mr. Antoun was serving on the dissertation committee for Mr. Zahrani’s graduate thesis and apparently had known him for quite some time, according to news reports.

The university’s Web site says Mr. Zahrani’s doctoral thesis is called, “Sacred Voice, Profane Sight: The Senses, Cosmology, and Epistemology in Early Arabic Culture.”

–via Professor spent career seeking peace

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I’ve got an iPhone App!

Icon for Africas Islamic Experiences- History, Culture, and Politics

Icon for Africas Islamic Experiences- History, Culture, and Politics

I’ve got an iPhone app! I don’t mean a new app on my iPhone. I’ve far too many of those already. I mean that is I have created an iPhone app…kind of…

What has really happened is that a book I helped edit has been turned into an application. The volume comes, in part, from a conference on Islam and Africa I helped organize as a graduate assistant under the direction of Ali A. Mazrui for his Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University. Before leaving the Institute when I began working for NITLE, my colleague and I had edited a number of the conference papers and begun initial steps toward assembling a volume on the topic. But as the book was not to be simply conference proceedings, but rather a truly cohesive collection of essays on the subject, the project wasn’t finished.
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I wasn’t sure what happened to the project until Professor Mazrui sent me the book. I later discovered the app by accident when I was searching for applications that might be useful for the teaching of Arabic.

Though I am far from an impartial critic, I found it is an interesting and impressive volume, composed only in part of essays developed from papers delivered at the Islam and Africa conference. Because of this, I can’t take much credit for the book. It was, as Professor Mazrui so graciously acknowledges, a team effort, but it is definitely his vision, engagement and leadership that originated the project and saw it through to its completion.

New Book: Africa’s Islamic Experience

Africa's Islamic Experience

Africa's Islamic Experience

Please allow me a bit of shameless self promotion. A new book has been published, and I am one of the editors: Africa’s Islamic Experience: History, Culture and Politics. The title is self explanatory. It is a collection of essays that I had the pleasure of working on while a graduate assistant at the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University.

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I was only involved in this book in the early stages, but I put in a lot of work, both on the conference and on the essays, and was very proud of that work.  Anyone who has ever been a graduate student knows that many, perhaps most professors, would not acknowledge a graduate students work in this way, especially so long after he has finished his degree.  But Dr. Mazrui is generous in that way.  Because he allowed me and other graduate students to participate so centrally in the activities of the Institute and so closely with him, I dare say that my brief time at IGCS was as central to my intellectual development as any course I took and my interactions with most of my other professors.