President Barack Obama meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, Friday, May 20, 2011.
I always find it interesting to scan headlines after a major policy speech. The startlingly reveal the biases of the sources, or at least the audiences they seek to attract. Particularly interesting today are those concerning the meeting between President Obama met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. I haven’t read all these articles, but here are the headlines with the sources and the links to the articles. What might you speculate about the articles, the papers or their target audiences?
Netanyahu Tells Obama Israel Can’t Return to ‘Indefensible’ 1967 Borders
Bloomberg – Jonathan Ferziger
Netanyahu and Obama long way apart over Middle East peace plans
The Guardian
President Obama supports a two-state solution based on Israel’s 1967 borders …
Wall Street Journal
Bibi and Barack Meet: So Much for the Fireworks
TIME (blog) – Massimo Calabresi