Academic Freedom Media Review – July 10-16, 2010

Academic Freedom Media Review
July 10 – 16, 2010
Compiled by Scholars at Risk

Persecuted Scholars Find Refuge in the Netherlands
UAF-SAR, 7/16

Three University of Zimbabwe students appear in court
The Zimbabwean, 7/16

Academics attack RCUK’s ‘dogmatic stance’ in refusing to rethink impact
Paul Jump, Times Higher Education, 7/15

The Growth of Private and For-Profit Higher Education in Britain: Competition or Collaboration?
Geoffrey Alderman, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 7/15

Teaching or Preaching?
Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Education, 7/15
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Culture Jamming Anti-Ads

These are spoof ads from Adbusters Magazine,

a not-for-profit, reader-supported, 120,000-circulation magazine concerned about the erosion of our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.

I think they are amazing. Funny, yet tragic. They point out the absurdity of advertising that promises to fulfill all our desires and yet only creates and enlarges desires that can never be filled.
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Academic Freedom Media Review

Academic Freedom Media Review
May 22 – 28, 2010

Below is the weekly compilation of news articles addressing issues of academic freedom that is put together by Scholars at Risk.

MLA Pushes for End to Ideological Denials of Visas
Inside Higher Ed, 5/28

Groups protest Israel denying US student’s entry
Jeff Karoun, The Associated Press, 5/27
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What were Tuesday’s Elections About?

There is no doubt that there is a lot of frustration across the country with Washington. There always is some simmering level of it. It’s in the nature of the American psyche to be suspicious of the establishment. But in their analysis of a small number of off-year and off-season election results on Tuesday, the media has really overstated the case. They’re looking for a story, I suppose. In fact, I don’t think that was much of an issue at all.
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Mother’s Day for Peace

from Mother's Day Gift Store

Happy Mother’s Day! Have you visited your mother yet? Maybe taken her out to eat? Or sent her flowers? Chocolates? A card? Or even bought her jewelry? Your wife too, if she’s a mother or mother to be. On Mother’s Day we honor our mothers, and this is how we do it. You have no excuse for having forgotten. Television commercials have been reminding you since Easter!

Unfortunately the economy sucks right now and a lot of in this country are out of work, underemployed, struggling with tuition increases at our colleges, paying off student loan or credit card debt, stretched thin because we are trying to help family and friends get by, trying to get by on insufficient retirement assets, or whatever. If that’s the case, just go see or call your mother. Mothers are always happy to hear from their children.

But if you want to be creative and distinct, tell your Mom you are going to take her to celebrate Mother’s Day in the way it was historically conceived, and take her to a peace rally!
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A Tool for Global Activism and a Puzzling Question

I’ve recently learned of a new site, the Boycott Toolkit, which is a user based tool for organizing consumer based protests.  Organized according to issue, the site both provides links to companies to boycott and producers to support, providing direct links to information for both.  It is an impressive tool, maintained by a user community.

I must say, though, that in this age of global, corporate capitalism, I am often puzzled by how one orchestrates and effective boycott.  We live in an era in which big, multinational corporations own dozens of companies which in turn control dozens of brands.  And brands are now a commodity in themselves,  licensed to companies that have no relation to the product originally associate with it.  If Coca-Cola manufactured or controlled every product that is sold bearing its logo with legal license to do so, it would have to have to have business in virtually every industry available, from clothing to toys and sports equipment.

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Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Media Review, April 24-30

Academic Freedom Media Review
April 24 – 30, 2010
Compiled by Scholars at Risk

Scholar wages FoI battle for bank collapse data
Melanie Newman, The Times Higher Education, 4/29

Studying global universities
Glenn C. Altschuler, The Boston Globe, 4/29

Pakistan university mourns murdered woman professor
BBC News, 4/28
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It’s Earth Day?

It’s Earth Day today!

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Academic Freedom Media Review
April 3 – 9, 2010
Compiled by Scholars at Risk

Tariq Ramadan Gets the American Debate He Says He Craved
Peter Schmidt, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4/9

UCSD prof turns meeting into protest rally
Eleanor Yang Su, The Union Tribune, 4/9
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Why is that Man Sitting in the Dark?

Some Grey Bloke is sitting in the dark, but he’ll have you know it’s not because of that silliness associated with Earth Hour. Find out why. It’s funny!

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