Academic Freedom Media Review

The Academic Freedom Media Review is compiled on a weekly basis by Scholars at Risk.  This is the review for  September 4 – 11, 2009

An Activist Adjunct Shoulders the Weight of a New Advocacy Group
Audrey Williams June, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 9/10

Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh is freed and goes abroad
Reporters Without Borders, 9/7

GLOBAL: Researchers in dangerous times
Brendan O’Malley, University World News, 9/6

TURKMENISTAN: Reverse student travel ban
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Iran’s Universities Punish Students Who Disputed Vote
Robert F. Worth, The New York Times, 9/5

U.S. scholarships get Cuban college students expelled
Wilfredo Cancio Isla, Miami Herald, 9/4

On academic freedom
Stephen M. Walt, Foreign Policy, 9/3

The Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) is an international network of universities and colleges responding to attacks on sholars because of their words, their ideas and their place in society.  SAR promotes academic freedom and defends the human rights of scholars and their communities worldwide.

Student air passenger handcuffed and questioned

EIGHT YEARS after 9/11, we’re used to changes in our routines. We show ID to get into office buildings, and take off our shoes at airports.

But should a college student flying back to school be handcuffed and held for five hours because he has Arabic flash cards in his backpack?

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via Dave Davies: Student air passenger handcuffed to echoes of 9/11 fears | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/11/2009.

Follow that link and read this story.  It is disconcerting.  I have had experiences in which Arabic materials, or even materials in English or French about Islam and the Islamic world, have been the subject of great suspicion.  Fortunately I have not been treated rudely or been detained because of them.  It does worry me, though.

Biden Outlines Educational Funding

At a meeting of the White House Task Force on Middle Class Families at Syracuse University yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden outlined some of the reforms proposed by the administration to make higher education more accessible, stating that $100 billion of the funding in the economic recovery bill will go toward improving education and making college more accessible and affordable.  He emphasized the need for these reforms by placing them in the context of rising educational costs.

He said the cost of a college education has risen 10 times as fast as the median income for middle-class families.

The average annual cost of a college education is $34,000 at a private school and $14,000 at a public school, he said.

Last year, college students borrowed $80 billion, a 16 percent increase over the year before.

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In response, the Obama administration has implemented a collection of initiatives: Increased tax credits for college tuition, increasing the maximum Pell grant from $4,700 to $5,500, more generous education benefits for military veterans, and cutting $9 billion in subsidies to banks for student loans to increase the amount of money available to students.

via Biden says education funding is ‘big deal’ –

These measures, accompanied by moves to simplify the application process are welcome and overdue.  I hope the administration is successful in getting them passed.

Innovative Practices for Challenging Times

An message from Michael Nanfito and NITLE.

In March 2009, five exemplary projects from the liberal arts community received the NITLE Community Contribution Award, which includes an opportunity to publish a case study with Academic Commons. Today, I’m happy to announce the publication of “Innovative Practices for Challenging Times,” a new issue of Academic Commons that showcases these projects and gives readers a chance to find out how their leaders made them happen.

Articles featured in this issue of Academic Commons include:

War News Radio” by Abdulla A. Mizead. Mizead tells how one creative alum, a group of dedicated students, and a supportive college community launched a new major reporting initiative covering the war zones in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Come for the Content, Stay for the Community” by Ethan Benatan, Jezmynne Dene, Hilary Eppley, Margret Geselbracht, Elizabeth Jamieson, Adam Johnson, Barbara Reisner, Joanne Stewart, Lori Watson, and B. Scott Williams. Find out how a group of inorganic chemists used social networking technologies to build a scientific community for support, exchange of ideas, and friendship — all in the interest of improving chemistry education across campuses and having a bit of fun in the process.
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Curricular Uses of Visual Material: A Research-Driven Process for Improving Institutional Sources of Curricular Support” by Andrea Lisa Nixon, Heather Tompkins, and Paula Lackie. When students work with visual materials in all parts of the curriculum, how do you make sure they get the technical support they need? An extensive research study of faculty and students led to a new coordinated support model. Nixon, Tompkins, and Lackie explain how they got it done.

The History Engine: Doing History with Digital Tools” by Robert K. Nelson, Scott Nesbit, and Andrew Torget. The History Engine offers a rich digital repository of episodes from American history and even more important, a chance for undergraduates to “do history” long before the senior seminar or capstone course.

The Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project: A Case Study” by Ken Newquist. The Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project, or CLAMP as it’s better known, proves the power of collaboration across campuses. By creating a network of Moodle users from multiple campuses across the country, CLAMP has developed a highly effective system for adapting the open-source software Moodle for the specific needs of liberal arts colleges.

At NITLE, we’re pleased to partner with Academic Commons to bring you these case studies and to enable their authors to share the knowledge they’ve developed along with their projects. We thank the featured authors and their partners for their work and Academic Commons for collaborating with us. If you would like to nominate a project for the next round of awards, please contact me at by November 16, 2009.

Is Multitasking Making it Hard for You to Think?

Read it and gloat. Last week, researchers at Stanford University published a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that the most persistent multitaskers perform badly in a variety of tasks. They don’t focus as well as non-multitaskers. They’re more distractible. They’re weaker at shifting from one task to another and at organizing information. They are, as a matter of fact, worse at multitasking than people who don’t ordinarily multitask.

You know what this means. This means that the people around you — the husband who’s tapping the computer keys during an important phone conversation with you, the S.U.V. driver with the grande latte and the cellphone, the dinner companion with the roving eye and twitching thumbs — are not only irritating, they are (let’s not be fainthearted) incompetent.

via The Mediocre Multitasker –

Ouch!  Leave it to the New York Times to put it so directly and sarcastically.  They are also exaggerating a bit.  The Standford study did not so so far as to find anyone incompetent.  Nonetheless, if other research backs the Stanford research up, it is disturbing stuff.  Basically what the study found was that people who multitask are not very good at it.  People who don’t do it regularly are better appear to do it better.

Even more strangely, regular multitasking seems to impact the multitaskers ability in a whole range of cognitive functions!  The research dealt with media multitaksers, i.e. people who have lots of windows open on their computer, say one for chat, one for browsing, etc., even as music is playing, or the tv is on.

(So what was I going to write next?  I forgot.  I had to answer an email and then the movie caught my attention for a bit.  Oh yeah, I was looking for a quotation from the article.)
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Eyal Ophir, the study’s lead investigator and a researcher at Stanford’s Communication Between Humans and Interactive Media Lab, said: “We kept looking for multitaskers’ advantages in this study. But we kept finding only disadvantages. We thought multitaskers were very much in control of information. It turns out, they were just getting it all confused.”

The study’s results were so strong and unexpected that the researchers are planning a series of follow-up experiments. “It keeps me up late at night,” Professor Nass said. “I worry about both the short-term and long-term effects of multitasking. We’re going to be testing the heck out of high and low multitaskers.”

To the rest of the world, though, the people who trudge through life excited and unnerved by an occasional cellphone call while walking or watching the sun set (isn’t that multitasking?), the study’s findings aren’t quite so shocking. A constant state of stress, deluges of ever-changing information, the frenzied, nanosecond-fast hustle and bustle — this is bad for you? It’s surprising and it’s news that it’s bad for you? Before they lie down to take a well-deserved and uninterrupted nap, the trudgers of the world would like to say, “We told you so!”

via The Mediocre Multitasker –

As a frequent, very frequent, multitasker, this is all scary stuff.

There is a more detailed report on the study on the Stanford University Web site.  Read the abstract and full study here.

International Admissions Fall – Inside Higher Ed

For the first time since 2004, admission of international students to U.S. graduate schools has declined, and students from India and South Korea are applying in significantly fewer numbers as well, according to a report (pdf) released today by the Council of Graduate Schools.

Admissions from prospective international students declined by 3 percent from 2008 to 2009, and applications from India and South Korea fell by 12 percent and 9 percent, respectively.

“The entire global economy has got to have played a part in what’s happening for fall of ’09,” said Nathan Bell, the council’s research director.

Virginia Tech in Blacksburg is still doing well, in spite of the negative publicity generated by the terrible mass shootings there in 2007.  The university
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saw increases or less significant declines in applications from areas of the world that have declined overall in application numbers. The university had an 8 percent increase in South Korean applications, for instance, besting the average by 17 percentage points.

via News: International Admissions Fall – Inside Higher Ed.

The breakdown of the statistics is particularly interesting.  Applications were up by 4% for the 2008-09 Academic Year, whereas offers where down by 3%.  Moreover, he applications are broken down regionally and in no region did the percentage change in number of applications correspond with the percentage change in the number of offers.   For example, for the 2008/09 academic year, applications from China were up by 14%, but applications from S. Korea the were down by 9%.  On the other hand, offers to Chinese students were up by 13%, and to Indian students they were down by 16%.

The really The biggest discrepency is between applications and offers to scholars from the Middle East and Turkey.  In 2008/09, applications were up by 22%, but admissions only by 10%.  I have no explanation.

Quick Takes: The Cost of Journals — and Their Future

A new report from the National Humanities Alliance finds that the average cost per page of a sample of eight humanities and social sciences journals is $526, almost twice the costs for science and technology journals. The analysis of the eight journals was conducted to help disciplinary associations get a better understanding of the economics of their publishing ventures, at a time of increasing pressure to embrace the open access movement, in which research is available online and free. The humanities alliances report finds that open access would not be a “sustainable option” for the journals studied. At the same time, the report suggests that a more complete study — going well beyond the eight journals — is needed. Such a study might better examine differences among journals in the humanities and social sciences disciplines, the current report says. The new report may be found here. Analysis of it from the American Historical Association may be found here.

via Quick Takes: The Cost of Journals — and Their Future – Inside Higher Ed.

So how’s that for a shocking little piece of information?  What’s even more tragic is that the readership of those journals is often quite small.  Being published is the ultimate goal in academia and when it happens it can represent many months, sometimes even years of work beginning with research, defining and argument, writing, editing, submitting and to journals, bringing it into line with their editorial expectations, and then simply waiting.  And yet once the article comes out, it is met with little reaction or even deafening silence.  Few people read academic journals until they themselves have to write articles.

But there’s the rub.  The system is not suited to the times and it hasn’t been for some time.  For the most part traditional academia and the processes through which it grants diplomas to students and tenure and promotion to faculty is geared toward print and different time when the book and the printed word were the be all and end all.  Not only did you have to understand an idea or an argument and the processes by which one arrived at a conclusion, but you had to have memorized all the supporting evidence.  Knowledge wasn’t a few mouse clicks away, so we had to store massive amounts of it in our heads.

Most importantly, the printed word was immutable.  It was not easy to publish a book and it was not cheap either.  So if something went into print and was made public, it had to be worth it.  The book and writing have been sacred in almost every culture at some point and to some degree.

And so our system has us write papers.  I wrote my first research paper in 8th grade.  We took field trips to the city library to do the research, turned in note cards at steps along the way, then a draft, and then finally a 8-10 page paper.

There were more in high school and college.  I generally got very good grades on them, but no one read them but me and my teachers, or sometimes peers in the more humanities oriented classes where we did peer correction.  Technology now offers lots of strategies to break out of this pattern, but that’s for another day.   Then, of course, there is the Master’s Thesis and the Ph.D. Dissertation.

My job has shielded me for the pressure of “Publish or Perish” academia, but I do have a number of articles floating around out there.  I’m proud of them and they represent a lot of work.  I’ve received responses on them from people I don’t know who found them useful and interesting, but no one has every disagreed with me.

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Depending on how content is made available (free or to subscribers, password protected or open access, etc), the internet make every single connected computer a potential reader for your work.  A journal, only those readers who are subscribed to the journal, who access it at their library, or who have access to a journal database that contains it.  Of course academic journals are not found in your average public library.

The real dirty little little secret is that many academic journals serve little other purpose and to provide scholars with publication vehicles.  Because if they didn’t, there would be no way for scholars to advance.  The really important “journals of record” simply do not have space for all the research at the produced, especially in the digital age.  That is not to say the research published in these other journals is necessarily second rate.  It may well be, third rate even.  But it could also be better.

And that brings me to my final point, which is the utility of the research.  Let’s suppose for a moment that I am a Shakespeare scholar and I have a particularly interesting and provocative way to looking at his work, a startlingly original way that elucidates the text and from which we can extrapolate a whole new school of literary criticism.

Which is really the more desirable approach.  That I go on leave next year and sit in the library writing up my argument in meticulous detail so that by the end of my leave year I have an article submitted to a handful of journals that I will hear back from several months later, or that I harness my excitement and take it public immediately in my blog.  Maybe I begin teaching my students the text using this approach and they engage the texts using lesson plans I share.  Others share theirs too, and we set up a wiki, diigo group, etc.

This is scholarship in action, scholarship the contributes, and scholarship that allows the academic to play the role of public intellectual, so desperately needed in todays bleak media landscape.

But now you will ask me about assessment and evaluation. How do we judge performance in such a system?  How do we evaluate an online resource?  I didn’t say I had answers.  Besides, it’s late in the day and this is is my random thoughts and ideas.  So what do you think?

Doctoral Students Think Teaching Assistantships Hold Them Back

A new survey of recent Ph.D. recipients has found that more than four out of five of those who received paid teaching assistantships believe that having them prolonged their doctoral education, though not enough to keep them from completing the programs in a timely manner.

The perceived impact of research assistantships on doctoral students’ progress, on the other hand, varied by academic field, according to a report on the survey’s findings being released Tuesday by the Council of Graduate Schools. Ph.D. recipients in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences generally reported that having research assistantships actually helped them get through doctoral programs more quickly, while just over half of Ph.D. recipients in the social sciences and humanities said that having research assistantships lengthened the time they needed to complete their doctoral studies.

via Doctoral Students Think Teaching Assistantships Hold Them Back – Faculty – The Chronicle of Higher Education.
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This is no surprise.  At many universities, graduate teaching assistants have a huge amount of work.  In my department, for example, many of us had full responsibility for lower lever courses, from material selection and syllabus design through grading.  It was great experience and career preparation, but it meant that day to day work took a lot of time.   Later, as a graduate research assistant, I organized major conferences, either large in scale or including internationally renowned figures, and assisted in the editing of publications of the institute where I worked.

These are not experiences I regret.  Indeed, I seized the opportunities.  But there is no doubt that I would have finished earlier had I not been obliged to take assistantships.  On the other hand, I’d have finished with fewer skills.

Amid Calls for Change, College Majors Seem Fixed – Curriculum – The Chronicle of Higher Education

A couple of interesting articles about curriculum reform have recently appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education.  The first is about the remarkable stability of the university curriculum, for better or worse.

Remarkably little about this system has changed during the last 60 years. Bachelor’s degrees, regardless of the field of study, are almost all based on four years in the classroom. A handful of new majors are beginning to emerge on college campuses, and interdisciplinary programs like women’s studies and environmental science have found a niche, but the basic constellation of college majors has been highly stable.

At community colleges and in graduate schools, new specialized degrees come and go all the time in response to market demands, scientific innovations, and emerging social problems. Baccalaureate majors are much more firmly fixed. (According to federal statistics, the top 10 bachelor’s-level fields of study in 2006-7 were the same as those of 1980-81, albeit in a different order.)

The article then goes on the survey movements for curricular change and finds a growing realization of the importance of as well as the interest in more interdisciplinary studies.  Enrollment in interdisciplinary programs is increasing exponentially.

Equally intriguing is an article about five up-and-coming interdisciplinary programs that are seeing growth.

1) Service Science
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The Wired Campus Asks, “Can Twitter Turn Students Into Better Writers?”

As educators interested in how online tools can make students better writers, we are finally getting some systematic studies to back up anecdotal evidence about how the more widely used tools, blogs and Twitter, are impacting writing skills and the evidence so far is positively inconclusive.  That is the gist of an interesting post from Wired Campus today, which takes note of the contradictory conclusions drawn from two studies.

Mark Bauerlein, professor of English at Emory University, turned in a Brainstorm blog post on Saturday, August 29, 2009 arguing that while it is true that young people today write far more than any previous generation in the form of online postings, text messages and the like,

we don’t see any gains in reading comprehension for 17-year-olds on NAEP exams, the SAT, or the ACT.  The last NAEP writing exam showed some improvement at the very lowest end, but no improvement in “proficient” or “advanced.”  Remedial reading and writing course enrollments are heavy, and the Chronicle’s survey of college teachers found only six percent of them claiming that students are “very well prepared” in writing.  And businesses keep spending billions of dollars each year on remedial writing training for employees.

On the other hand, early results of five-year study from Stanford draw an opposite conclusion.  The study examined close to 14,000 pieces of student writing done for courses and beyond.
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Though final data analysis has not been done, early results indicated that in their Internet writings, students took pains to cultivate tone and voice, and to address a particular audience. “The out-of-class writing actually made them more conscious of the things writing teachers want them to think about,” said Paul M. Rogers, an assistant professor of English at George Mason University who is involved in the study.

So there you have it.  These are only two studies.  More have been done and more are being undertaken.  I am sure it will be a while before the debate is settled.

To my mind, however, a correlating, and perhaps even more important question, might be whether or not we are teaching students the right kind of writing.  In other words, is the nature of written discourse being so radically altered that we need to supplant or at least supplement teaching the forms and styles we teach now with newer forms and styles for the digital age?