Masks by Hossam el-Hamalawy

Just a cool photo from Cairo!
Photo by Hossam el-Hamalawy
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Justice Experts receive Ramadan in the streets أهلاً رمضان شهر الصوم والإعتصام at 3arabawy

Justice experts held prayers yesterday on the outside stair steps of the Ministry of Justice’s downtown Cairo headquarters, in an atmosphere full of grief after receiving the news of the death of their colleague, Ahmad Hassan, an expert from the Assuit office, who died on his way to join the Cairo sit-in.

A delegation of the strikers headed yesterday to Assuit to take part in Hassan’s funeral, while other experts prayed on the ministry’s stair steps in Cairo..
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“The ministry’s officials are betting we won’t be able to continue (striking) in Ramadan, but we’re ready to continue until al-Fitr Feast,” said the experts, assuring their will to remain on strike until their demands are fulfilled.

via Justice Experts receive Ramadan in the streets ????? ????? ??? ????? ????????? at 3arabawy.

Tariq Ramadan answers his Dutch detractors

The municipality of Rotterdam and the Erasmus University Rotterdam have fired Tariq Ramadan, the Swiss-born scholar on Islam, for hosting of a program on Iran’s Press TV that they consider “irreconcilable” with his position as a guest professor, adding that “Although there is no doubt at all concerning Dr Ramadan’s personal dedication, both boards found this indirect relationship with a repressive regime, or even the impression of being associated with it, not acceptable.”

Ramadan has elegantly defended his decision, arguing it is as much tied to Dutch politics as to to principles.

Today, the argument goes that I am linked to the Iranian regime; I support the repression that followed the recent elections. Should we be surprised that this latest accusation has surfaced only in the Netherlands? It is as if I in particular, and Islam in general, are being used to promote certain political agendas in the upcoming Dutch elections. [Local elections will be held in 2010, Ed.]…

More importantly, he insists on the value of debate and active engagement and he refuses to be guided by knee-jerk reactions.
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When I agreed to host a television program on Islam and contemporary life, I chose the path of critical debate. I accepted no obligations. My guests have included atheists, rabbis, priests, women with and without headscarves, all invited to debate issues like freedom, reason, interfaith dialogue, Sunni versus Shia Islam, violence, jihad, love and art, to name only a few. I challenge my critics to scrutinise these programmes and to find the slightest evidence in them of support for the Iranian regime. My programme proclaims its openness to the world; all guests are treated with equal respect.

Today, as Iran is torn by crisis, I intend to take all the time necessary to make the proper decision. All the facts must be carefully weighed in order to devise the optimum strategy for supporting the long march, in Iran, toward transparency and respect for human rights. Violent polemics and overheated debate of the kind we see today in the Netherlands lead nowhere. Before deciding on a course of action, I am determined to form a fully rounded picture.

via – International – Opinion – Tariq Ramadan answers his Dutch detractors.

Mubarak’s Son and Facebook

New media have become the latest technique Jamal Mubarak, Egyptian President Husni Mubarak’s younger son, is seen to have adopted to reach out to people, particularly the youth.

Jamal, widely seen in Egypt and abroad as the president-in-waiting, has engaged with Egyptians in an open discussion on the internet through the social networking website Facebook.

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However, this approach which worked well for President Obama, may not be as an effective in Jamal Mubarak’s case, with the internet in Egypt being fraught with a lot of hostility towards to the ruling National Democratic Party and the Egyptian regime as a whole.

via Middle East Online.  (Thanks to Ed Webb)

It’s World Water Week!

This week (August 17-23) is World Water Week. During this time, experts, practitioners, decision makers and leaders from around the globe will come to Stockholm, Sweden, to exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions for the most urgent water-related issues. While the experts are meeting in Stockholm, we want to use this opportunity to bring the issues they are discussing into homes across America. World Water Week presents a great opportunity to raise awareness and galvanize support for water and sanitation measures.

A few weeks ago, Global Water Challenge launched Water Warriors, a program to help ignite a worldwide movement that will make universal access to clean water and safe sanitation a reality. As grassroots leaders, they’ll be active in their local communities and online, raising awareness and funds in creative ways; encouraging Congress to increase funding for the issue; and helping turn other people into Water Warriors to build to a crescendo of support.

via World Water Week | ONE.
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So many of us think of water as plentiful, abundant and free flowing.  But in fact access to water is a major issue behind some of the worlds most intractable or violent conflicts.  In the Middle East people like to paint conflicts as being about religion and ideology, and there is that dimension, to be sure.  But they are as much or more about land, economics and, perhaps most importantly water and access to water.  Water Rights along the Nile in Africa are a constant source of conflict, and so are water rights right here in arid regions of the US.  Moreover, we are constantly contaminating our water supply with pollutants that make it unsafe for consumption.  Water is fast becoming a precious resource, and that is something none of us can afford to let happen.

Programming peace. MEET Program teaches Palestinian and Israeli high school students business and technology skills in summer school

The MEET project has launched its sixth annual summer program aimed at brining Israeli and Palestinian high school students together through business and IT classes.

Some 120 students take part in the Middle East Monitoring the use of weighted therapy is important since children should not use the therapy for extended periods of time or buy cialis the other. The way company’s accounts are currently structured means there is a tremendous emphasis on current year earnings. generic cialis price She allows a viagra samples no prescription week for it to be returned signed by both the student and their parents would always clarify the doubts. They decided to thank Righraj for this and generic viagra from india went to India to his address, but found that nobody stays on that address. Education Through Technology program held in Jerusalem. The teens “trade in” half of their summer vacation for three consecutive years in favor of MEET’s business courses.

via Programming peace – Israel Activism, Ynetnews.

Facebook Deleted the Fanpage of the Exiled Hammas Leader Khaled Meshaal

After deleting the fanpage of Esmail Haneea the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority from The Islamic Resistances Movement (HAMAS.) (Haneea is now the acting prime minister of the government in besieged Gaza strip only, as the occupied West When Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream,” it was his passion and conviction cheap cialis no prescription that have kept those words so alive for over forty years. Depending on the location of the fracture and its extent, the commander levitra treatment will vary. When erection issues start to occur at frequent intervals, it is best online cialis advisable to visit your doctor. However, ordering cialis from canada the number and quality of the medicine is also right up there with the very best. bank territories are under the Palestinian President Abbas’ own government), now Facebook deleted the fanpage of Khaled Meshaal the political leader of Hamas who currently lives in Syria. (map)

via Facebook Deleted the Fanpage of the Exiled Hammas Leader Khaled Meshaal.

U.S. court reverses ruling barring Muslim scholar

This happened while I was overseas, so I didn’t get a change to post it here, but it is progress and I wish to acknowledge it.  Ramadan in an eminent, astute and highly respected scholar.  In fact he has been recently appointed a new Islamic Studies Chair at the University of Oxford.  He has done a great deal of meritorious scholarly work on Islam and the West and I was shocked that my country would deny him a visa.

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A U.S. federal appeals court on Friday reversed a lower court ruling that had upheld the U.S. government’s right to bar Swiss Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan from entering the United States.

The ruling boosts the hopes of Ramadan and U.S. civil rights groups who argue that the U.S. government had unlawfully revoked Ramadan’s visa several times in 2004. The case was sent back to a lower court for further consideration.

Civil rights groups had appealed a federal judge’s ruling in 2007 that upheld the government’s right to ban Ramadan.

The U.S. government initially gave no reason for the ban but government lawyers later said he was barred because he gave 1,670 Swiss francs, then worth $1,336, to a Swiss-based charity, the Association de Secours Palestinien, or ASP, from 1998 to 2002.

Washington listed ASP as a banned group in 2003, saying it supported terrorism and had contributed funds to the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

On Friday, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals said it was unclear whether the consulate officer who considered Ramadan’s case had given the professor the opportunity to answer whether he knew he had contributed funds to an organization designated a terrorist organization.

The consulate officer “was required to confront Ramadan with the allegation against him” and let him explain whether he knew “the recipient of his contributions was a terrorist organization,” the ruling said, adding that “the record was unclear whether the consular officer had done so.”
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Ramadan, an Oxford University professor, has said he was unaware of any connections between the charity and terrorism.

via U.S. court reverses ruling barring Muslim scholar | U.S. | Reuters.

The fact that I had not responded to this ruling came to mind today because I read a thought provoking piece that Ramadan wrote in response to Obama’s speech in Cairo early this summer.  It is worth reading and begins

We are used to nice words and many, in the Muslim majority countries as well as Western Muslims, have ended up not trusting the United States when it comes to political discourse. They want actions and they are right. This is indeed what our world needs. Yet, President Obama, who is very eloquent and good at using symbols, has provided us with his speech in Cairo with something that is more than simple words. It has presented an attitude, a mindset, a vision.

In order to avoid shaping a binary vision of the world, Barack Obama referred to “America”, “Islam”, “the Muslims” and “the Muslim majority countries”: he never fell into the trap of speaking about “us” as different or opposed to “them” and he was quick to refer Islam as being an American reality, and to American Muslims as being an asset to his own society. Talking about his own life, he went from the personal to the universal stating that he knows by experience that Islam is a religion whose message is one of openness and tolerance. Both the wording and the substance of his speech were important and new: he managed to be humble, self-critical, open and demanding at the same time in a message targeting all of “us”, understood as “partners”.

The seven areas he highlighted are critical…

via Tariq RAMADAN.

Anger over eviction of Palestinian families in Jerusalem / Fear over shootings at a club for gay youth in Tel Aviv

Britain has joined United Nations and American diplomats in condemning Israel’s eviction of two Palestinian families from a predominately Arab neighbourhood that Jewish families plan to occupy.

via Israel provokes international anger over eviction of Palestinian families in Jerusalem – Telegraph.

Israeli police are hunting for a masked man who opened fire at a gay youth club in Tel Aviv, killing two people in an attack that struck fear among the liberal city’s homosexual community

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I simply don’t understand how such things come to pass.

ACN Arab Technology Awards officially open for nominations

Nominations are finally open for the 2009 edition of the Arab Technology Awards – the region’s most prestigious enterprise event for IT professionals.

Held in conjunction with GITEX Technology Week, this year’s event will take place at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai on the 19th of October, with over 400 of the region’s leading technology professionals expected to be in attendance, including key integrators, vendors and CIOs.
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For full details of the nomination process and to download the nomination form, visit the awards website. This year’s edition of the Awards will feature 16 categories covering the full spectrum of industry verticals, including Banking and Finance, Retail, and Education.

via ACN Arab Technology Awards officially open for nominations.