Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Media Review, March 19-25

Scholars at Risk would like to draw attention to the situation surrounding Professor William Cronon of University of Wisconsin at Madison. According to media reports, the university was approached by the Republican Party of Wisconsin with a request, under Wisconsin’s open-records law, for Prof. Cronon’s e-mail records. The request was received just days after Prof. Cronon published a blog post regarding legislation proposed by Republican lawmakers. Please review the following two pieces—one featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education, and one written by Prof. Cronon on his blog—for additional information on this case.

Wisconsin GOP Seeks E-Mails of a Madison Professor Who Criticized the Governor
A Tactic I Hope Republicans Will Rethink: Using the Open Records Law to Intimidate Critics

Academic Freedom Media Review
March 19 – 25, 2011
Compiled by Scholars at Risk

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Academic Freedom Media Review, February 19-26, 2010

Compiled by Scholars at Risk
(It was released by SAR on Friday. I apologize for posting it so late.)

Science-Rights Coalition Has Global Impact in First Year
Benjamin Somers and Becky Ham, Science Magazine Vol. 327. no. 5969, p. 1097, 2/26

Simon Singh and the silencing of the scientists
Sarah Boseley, The Guardian, 2/25

British Court Rules for Professor Whose Decision to Fail Students Was Overturned
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2/25
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